More information on the call for papers here

We invite innovative papers that reflect on the current state and future of industrial relations in Europe. In the tradition of IREC, papers with a comparative or international dimension are especially welcome. In particular, authors are encouraged to address questions related to the following main topical clusters:

– The role of social dialogue in the twin transitions (digitalisation and decarbonisation).
– Enacting a Just Transition in regional and sectoral settings.
– Temperatures rises, extreme weather events and occupational safety and health.
– Well-being at work in changing times: remote and hybrid work, hyper-connectivity, the right to disconnect, and the rise of platform work.
– Adjusting legal frameworks and collective bargaining for digitalisation and emerging types of work (platform work).
– State regulation of collective bargaining and trade union activity.
– The role of employer organisations and trade unions in multi-employer collective bargaining.
– Emerging actors in industrial relations.
– New challenges for worker participation and labour relations at the company and workplace level in Europe.
– The debates around Social Europe and Val Duchesse reloaded.
– Inflation and collective bargaining.
– The return of strikes.
– Equality and diversity in workplace representation and collective bargaining.
– Structural inequalities and industrial relations.
– Migration and cross-border labour markets in Europe.

Authors are invited to submit their abstract in English or French to There will be an English-speaking and a French-speaking section at the conference. You can submit only one abstract for one presenting speaker to the conference. This means that at the conference, each participant can only present one paper but this does not prevent other presenters presenting papers where one is a co-author.

Abstracts in English or French should not exceed 300 words. Most sessions will have the duration of 1.5 hours. Sessions will include 3 or 4 papers (15 minutes presentation time per paper) and discussion. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and selected for presentation.

Email for further information:

Tentative list of keynote speakers (to be updated)
Professor Richard Hyman (London School of Economics, UK)
Dr. Christine Aumayr-Pintar (Eurofound, Dublin)
Associate Professor Maite Tapia (Michigan State University, US)

Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: 31 January 2025.
Notification of acceptance: 31 March 2025 (or earlier).

Conference Date: 16-18 September 2025
Conference venue: Chambre des Salariés, Casino syndical, 63 Rue de Bonnevoie, L-1260 Luxembourg.

Registration fees: 350 EUR (PhD Students: 275 EUR). The conference will be held in-person.