Introducing BUIRA
Introducing the British Universities Industrial Relations Association.
The British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) was founded in 1950. Initially entitled the Inter-University Study Group in Industrial Relations, the name of BUIRA has been adopted since 1967.
BUIRA Fellows
A BUIRA Fellowship is awarded to those who have made an outstanding academic contribution to industrial relations scholarship, as well as demonstrating a significant contribution to the community in the field and within BUIRA
Constitution and Code of Practice
Setting out BUIRA’s Name, Location, Functions, Membership, Authorities and Officers, Finances and Amendments, and the professional responsibilities and conduct expected of BUIRA members.
Looking back
The Intellectual and Institutional Development of BUIRA: A 60 Years Retrospective be Dr. Horen Voskeritsian. A history of BUIRA Presidents and Officers 1950-2022.